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Conversações em Inglês para iniciantes

215 Conversações em Inglês para Iniciantes

1. Who will be the next President?

2. Rio de Janeiro is beautiful.

3. Pizza or Hamburger?

4. I don’t like him.

5. I love my bed.

6. He was nominated

7. I’m late

8. New lifestyle

9. A powerful platform

10. Celebrations of Easter

11. I’ll be on vacation.

12. A smart boy

13. I don’t trust him.

14. Why Rest

15. Don’t vote for him.

16. Drive your car

17. I like him

18. Backpacking

19. A terrible accident

20. The Statue of Liberty

21. Do you want to eat something?

22. Worst party

23. My family will move

24. Don’t trust her

25. We are lost

26. The Army

27. Do you like to read?

28. The bus Accident

29. Don’t do this.

30. They are in the street


31. She’s very smart.

32. Clean your car

33. Be careful

34. Mom is furious

35. They stole my car.

36. Many flowers

37. I’m sorry.

38. Two cats

39. They are beautiful

40. American dream

41. I want to buy this car.

42. A bad teacher

43. Let’s go exercising?

44. Fighter

45. My motorcycle is broken.

46. Golf

47. Do you like to play tennis?

48. Vegetables

49. Swimming is my passion

50. My Boots

51. My favorite team

52. Visiting the zoo

53. Grandma Amelia

54. Minha série favorita

55. My house renovation

56. Picnic with the family

57. Playing video games

58. Buying Shirts

59. Clown Pants

60. Shopping in the market

61. Bored pocket

62. Dirty house

63. Fishing shop

64. Defective computer

65. New car

66. At school

67. Paying bills

68. Coming into college

69. In stationery

70. Trip to the moon

71. Changing glasses

72. List of school materials

73. Reading Magazines

74. Pen failing

75. Soldier in the army

76. Studying mathematics

77. American General

78. Car parking

79. At the hospital

80. Calculating Debts

81. At church

82. Lottery

83. Electoral crime

84. Trees in the backyard

85. The best fireman

86. Dangerous toy

87. Fear of flying

88. I fell down the stairs

89. Wet floor

90. The car key

91. Check your e-mail

92. Violence

93. Criminal

94. Which country are you from?

95. My work

96. The reporter

97. I studied hard

98. My life

99. Babies

100. New job

101. Don’t think about it

102. An Artist

103. It’s over

104. A Great Manager

105. Light the fireplace

106. Working is the best thing

107. Scrambled eggs

108. Bad behavior

109. The best dog

110. Where is that noise coming from?

111. My favorite jacket

112. Very expensive

113. Colorful avenue

114. Farm

115. Knock on the door

116. It was okay

117. I don’t have a job

118. Car sale

119. I bought an apartment

120. Vegetable Store

121. I’m selling my computer

122. Let’s travel?

123. I’m going to Russia

124. I love my apartment

125. I’m buying

126. I like fishing

127. Let’s run?

128. Today I go to the park

129. Every day I buy bread

130. I don’t like salad

131. I’m making pasta

132. Do you want to eat pizza?

133. Do you like Japanese food?

134. They opened a new restaurant

135. The store is closed

136. Cookies

137. Nature

138. Movie

139. The International Tourism Fair

140. Magazines

141. I work there

142. How did you learn English?

143. Are you a good Student?

144. History test

145. Flowers in your head

146. Did you send the envelope?

147. Hi, can you help me?

148. How are you?

149. I don’t know this place

150. This city is very beautiful

151. I love New York

152. I need a map

153. I need to go to the doctor

154. I’m buying a T-shirt

155. My friend wants to buy a house

156. Would you like to go with me?

157. Asking me something

158. I know how to read

159. I bought my first car

160. Mow the lawn

161. Buy tomatoes and potatoes

162. Do you like soup?

163. Where is Mom?

164. Do you know where the bank is?

165. They stole my wallet

166. I bought a new computer

167. What’s your name?

168. Where are you from?

169. Do you like her?

170. How old are you?

171. Do you like to dance?

172. How have you been?

173. I’d like to drink water

174. Do you know him?

175. Please, take some pictures

176. I bought a new camera

177. How much does it cost?

178. Around Trip Ticket

179. Do you like this song

180. Do you play any instruments?

181. Do you play any sports?

182. Can you repair my bicycle?

183. How much does the ticket cost?

184. I’ll paint my house

185. I’m recording audios

186. Who is Jackson Roger?

188. How can we study Texts in English?

187. How can I learn English

189. What is AIG?

190. I’m learning to drive

191. What’s time is it?

192. Where is Veniciu’s Hotel?

193. How can I get there?

194. I’m going to the library

195. He is washing his car

196. Bruno is working

197. They are visiting the USA

198. She loves her parents

199. Do you have any pets?

200. It’s my first time in Brazil

201. Eddy studies psychology

202. John loves fauna

203. I’d like to pay with a cheque

204. Could I have the bill please

205. I’d like to eat a sandwich

206. I’m thirsty

207. The baby is crying

208. Call the police

209. What do you want to buy?

210. How did you know that?

211. I finally graduated

212. Do you speak French?

213. What do you mean?

214. I’d like to rent a car

215. Do you like salad?

2500 Frases em Inglês

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