100 Textos em Inglês para Iniciantes
lista completa 100 Textos para Iniciantes mais completo com tradução e áudio.
Texto 1. Happy Birthday Ben
1. Happy Birthday Ben1. Feliz Aniversario BenBen woke up early this morning.It’s his tenth birthday today. He got out of…
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Texto 104. Jesse loves to eat fruit
104. Jesse loves to eat fruit104. Jesse adora comer frutasJesse is six years old.He lives in a flat with his…
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Texto 58. Diana takes a lot of pictures
58. Diana takes a lot of pictures58. Diana tira muitas fotosI have a friend.Her name is Diana.She is seventeen.We got…
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Texto 57. Hard Winter
57. Hard Winter57. Inverno SeveroWe live in the north.So the weather is not very warm here.And winters are always cold…
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Texto 54. A bad breakfast
54. A bad breakfast54.Um café da manhã ruimMr. Smith woke up early this morning.He took a shower and brushed his…
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Texto 36. Thank God it’s Friday
36. Thank God it’s Friday36. Graças a Deus é Sexta-FeiraMany people hate Mondays, feel sad on Tuesdays, work hard on…
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